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Women Are Greener than Men
       From attitudes and beliefs, to actions and spending, women are more environmentally oriented than men. There’s not a huge gap, but it’s big enough that businesses should take note.

       Women are more likely to believe that climate change is happening (61% vs 55%), more likely to worry about its consequences, and more likely to agree that inaction will harm our children. Men tend to think that addressing climate change will be difficult (55% vs 45%), will require personal sacrifice, and will lead to business trade-offs. The genders also diverge on their preferred solutions to environmental issues. 47% of men are comfortable with having a nuclear power plant in their neighborhood, but only 30% of women agree.

       These differences translate into varying behaviors and buying patterns. Significantly more women than men engage in eco actions like recycling, reducing water usage, and converting to CFL light bulbs. More women say they have chosen to spend extra money to buy green products over the past 12 months; men are more likely to reject premium-priced sustainable items.

       There is one intriguing area where the sexes agree: green home improvements. Equal numbers of men and women are interested in making eco changes to their home that will increase its appeal and resale value.

We should think about...
  • Should we target our green products to women rather than men?
  • How can we help educate men about climate change and other environmental issues?
  • Is there an opportunity to develop products/services that leverage men’s differing views on the best environmental solutions?
Sources: American Climate Values Survey 2008; Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate 2008; Gale Group 2009
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