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Green is Too Girly
One of the main reasons why there is such a gap between consumers’ eco intentions and their actions is because going green is perceived as feminine---too feminine for many men in the US.

According to a large research study done by OgilvyEarth in early 2011, 82% of US consumers see the green movement as more feminine than masculine, and 85% say women are significantly more sustainability-focused than men. As a result, men admit, they are uncomfortable with highly visible eco-behaviors including carrying reusable shopping bags, having a reusable water bottle, and even driving a Prius.

Men’s concerns about being seen being green are apparent in behavioral segmentations. Many more women than men are classified as Super Greens--the group taking the most action to save the planet. At the same time, men are significantly over-represented among Green Rejectors---people who are cynical about the green movement, see it as “trendy” and “a lot of hype,” and do not participate at all.

Ogilvy’s research also revealed that the usual suspects (higher prices, worries about product effectiveness, and feeling that their actions are too small to really matter) contribute to the gap between intentions and actions. However, gender associations play a significant role, and they have received very little attention from companies or activists.

We should think about...
  • How can we make our green products equally appealing to men and women?
  • Is our green marketing inadvertently speaking more to women than men?
Sources: OgilvyEarth 2011
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