Reddit is now America’s third favorite website ahead of Facebook and Amazon, but behind Google and YouTube. That’s according to Alexa’s ranking algorithm which weighs the number of unique visitors and page views per visit.
Equally surprising, Americans spend more time on Reddit than any other website in the top 20. The average Redditor dedicates 15 minutes per day to the site, compared to roughly 10 minutes for Facebook and 6 minutes for Instagram users.
Reddit has over 330 million monthly active users. About two-thirds are male, with the majority between the ages of 18 and 29. 30-49 year olds are somewhat common on the site, but there are few older visitors. Redditors tend to be well-educated (or in the process of becoming well educated.) Their household income is difficult to discern, partially because so many are students.
Reddit is working hard to be more brand friendly, recently introducing new video advertising options. Marketing on the site can be very effective if a company works to truly immerse themselves in the culture. Redditors are notorious for posting brutal comments about brands that are not good members of the community.
Sources: Business to Community 2018, Digital Trends 2018, Editor and Publisher 2018, Mediakix 2018, Tech Junkie 2018