Between 2014 and 2019 consumers’ main reason for using social platforms changed from socializing to information gathering.
5 years ago, 55% of users said staying in touch with friends was their primary motivation for spending time on social sites. By the end of 2019, only 38% gave that answer. The percent of consumers on social networks to meet new people, post personal photos and share details of their daily lives all dropped significantly since 2014.
Why are people using social media now?
Today, the #1 reason is to stay up-to-date on the news. (Yikes!) Additionally, the percent of consumers motivated by finding and researching products, watching sports and promoting their favorite charities have all increased markedly.
Filling spare time and finding entertaining content have remained relatively consistent and strong social media drivers over the years.
Consumers’ evolving views on social are impacting what they post. They have also changed what fills their daily feeds and when they choose to engage.
Sources: GlobalWebIndex 2020